Live as if you were dying tomorrow

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” – Mahatma Gandhi

Mahatma Gandhi said, “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” The great motivator and business author, Harvey Mackay, recently quoted these words in an article. I was immediately struck by this powerful message. Over the next few days I reflected upon those words. I tried to place them in perspective for myself and for the young people who I mentor, coach, and lead. I would like to share some of those thoughts with you.

Gandhi led a peaceful revolution that freed India from the British Empire.  He wore plain white homespun garments and looked impoverished. His voice did not contain the strength or resonance with which Martin Luther King, Jr. was blessed. Nor did Gandhi lead a life blessed with wealth, an abundance of food, wine, or worldly goods. Yet, he was the acknowledged leader of a movement and a wildly diversified nation. Perhaps, these words from this great, but simple man, might give us a clue as to how he accomplished so much and influenced so many so profoundly.

“Live as if you were to die tomorrow.” Do not put off telling someone you love them. Never allow fear to stop you from doing the things of which you dream. Don’t fail to ask someone for forgiveness. Find the time to tell someone that you forgive them. Make the time to bring happiness to a child. Never be too busy to visit and comfort a sick relative or friend. Stand up for justice when you see injustice. Be charitable to those less fortunate than yourself. Try to see things through the prism of the other person’s perspective. Be tolerant of the beliefs of others, political and religious. Think of how different the world be and how much fuller our lives would be, if we were to do theses things. Imagine millions of people following the example of Gandhi and living their lives as if death were but a day away. Now, think of how to force yourself to at least try to live by this code every day. Finally, think of how you can help others to live this way too. Can you imagine how much better life would be for yourself and so many others if we all did?

“Learn as if you were to live forever.” Never stop learning. Always read from many perspectives to broaden your base of knowledge and your understanding of differing points of view. Understand that whatever you think you know will likely change. See the world as a constantly changing and moving piece of a series of far larger parts of a never ending universe. Look at your life as if it were interwoven into the fabric of all there is. Learn that mankind is flawed, but blessed with the ability to learn from it’s mistakes. Know that only by knowing the errors of the past can we avoid the same mistakes moving into the future. Try to comprehend all you can about yourself and your specific place within family, community, and society. Know that you can never know everything. Value the act of learning above all other things which you can do for yourself. Now, visualize a society where learning is constant and respected by all. Imagine a society where ignorance is not tolerated and learning is elevated and celebrated. Let your mind’s eye travel to a world of constant curiosity, fueling peoples’ imaginations and their willingness to learn. Can you see a world with less friction and pain? Can you see a world with less prejudice, hatred, and fear? 

I want to thank Harvey Mackay for reminding me of this great quotation from this great soul, Mahatma Gandhi. I have rekindled in myself a sense of his legacy and a desire to at least try to follow in his footsteps. I know that I can never be the pure soul he was, but I believe I have a moral obligation to try to live up to his example. Will you join me? I think if you do you will feel better about yourself. I know that you will have a more powerful, impactful. and meaningful influence on other as well. Join me, please.

Brad Roteman

Brad Roteman

Brad Roteman has served HSFCU since February 2005. He is a former district sales manager with Bankers Systems, Inc., now Walters Klewer Financial Services. Brad has won numerous awards for ... Web: Details