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Love And Hope And Sex And Dreams

by Ron Shevlin

Actually, no, this post isn’t about love and sex. But it is about hopes and dreams.

Rolling Stones fans will recognize the title of this post as a line from the band’s song Shattered.

The band is enjoying a resurgence of popularity as it closes out its tour celebrating their 50th year of existence.

That any band can make it that long is truly amazing. That Keith Richards is able to function as a semi-coherent human being is truly amazing.

The history of the band is well known to music fans, but how the group got started was not clear. Until now.

Some 50 years ago, Mick Jagger walked into a bank in England (I think they’re called Building Societies, but what do I know), looking to open an account.

A bank teller asked Jagger what his dreams and goals were.

He told her (allegedly), “I’m going to be the biggest rock star and sex symbol in the music world!” I say “allegedly” because no one really understands what Mick is saying when he talks, but this is the commonly agreed upon version of the story.

The bank decided to fund Jagger’s dreams, helped him finance the purchase of new instruments and amps, introduced him to Bill Wyman and Charlie Watts, found the band some gigs to play at in their hometown of Manchester, England, and even provided managerial advice and guidance in those early days.

The rest, as they say, is history.

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