Make 2022 the year of cybersecurity resolutions

It’s that time of year again when people think about their New Year’s resolutions. These typically involve losing weight, eating healthy and exercising more. While most people do not consider making resolutions around improving their cybersecurity efforts, it is important to do everything possible to thwart scammers.

However, just like with many health-based resolutions, it can be very daunting for people to change their cybersecurity practices overnight. Trying to do too much, too fast, is why many resolutions fall by the wayside soon after the New Year’s celebrations are over. Most experts tell us that slow and steady is the right way to change habits, and that small changes stick better because they aren’t as intimidating. As a security strategy expert, I encourage people to incorporate small changes to their cybersecurity prevention efforts to be more successful. By doing so, they can increase cybersecurity awareness and protect themselves against scams and attacks.

Here are some suggested resolutions to help your staff protect your financial institution’s information, as well as their own personal data. Consider sharing this information as educational materials with your cardholders, too, so they can improve their cybersecurity health as well.


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