MAP: Unleashing a grassroots powerhouse
CUNA program offers credit unions ‘plug and play’ political content.
With total memberships of 110 million, credit unions have the potential to be grassroots powerhouse in Washington, especially when you consider the membership numbers of such lobbying stalwarts such as the National Rifle Association (five million) and the American Association of Retired People (37 million).
Adam Engelman provided an overview of the CUNA Member Activation Program (MAP), a critical tool in mobilizing credit union members as a grassroots lobbying force. MAP arms credit unions with tools to educate members about credit union issues and to activate them to call on lawmakers.
“The overall goal of the program is to inform and educate members on the credit union difference,” Engelman says.
MAP played a crucial role in helping credit unions spread their message during the Campaign for Common-Sense Regulation. Most recently, CUNA used MAP to activate members in support of the S. 2155, the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act.
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