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Mobile equals merry this holiday season


by: Brian Day

A recent survey shows the majority of American consumers are reaching for their mobile devices while shopping this holiday season.Burst Media reportsshoppers will use their mobile devices to compare prices, research products and make holiday purchases.

Fifty-three percent of respondents to the Burst Media survey plan to use a tablet and/or smartphone to go online and research and/or purchase products this holiday season. Additionally, more than one-third (34 percent) of those polled who use a smartphone and/or tablet to shop expect to use their mobile devices more this holiday season than last.

Sixty-two percent of consumers also indicated they would use mobile devices to compare product prices while holiday shopping, and 54 percent said they would read product reviews via mobile.

Additionally33 percent of mobile shoppers will make holiday gift purchases directly on their mobile devices. Convenience and avoiding stress were the two most cited reasons for mobile holiday shopping. There’s also a close correlation between mobile shopping and higher income.Seventy percent of respondents reporting household income of more than $100,000 plan to use a mobile device for holiday shopping.

Jordan Rumsey