Your Marketing Co News Archives

Who are you?

Who are you?

If I asked you who you are, how would you respond? Most likely, you’d reply with your name and job title, right? Now, why is that? I didn’t ask you what you DO, [...]

The biggest goal for 2019

The biggest goal for 2019

Last year at this time, I was expecting 2018 to be the year that I started reading more. So, I stacked the odds in my favor by ordering several books from Amazon—some for enjoyment, [...]

Quick wins

Quick wins

The clichés above, we’ve all heard them. They are the sayings that make us drop a token in the slot machine or roll the dice at the craps table while attending an industry [...]

3 branding lessons for 2019

3 branding lessons for 2019

By now your credit union or community bank’s strategic plan is ready for the New Year. Hopefully, it’s a plan to help you close the gap and hold you and your team accountable – [...]

Do You Hear What I Hear

Do You Hear What I Hear

On Saturday mornings during the Christmas season, you can usually find me in my office streaming my favorite Christmas classics and whittling away at the last of my weekly to-do list. One of the items [...]

Being data driven…

Being data driven…

Raise your hand if your credit union is using data. WOW! Like 85% of you! (I have great virtual vision). Now, how many of you know why you are using it? Who knows what you [...]

An unbroken brand promise

An unbroken brand promise

Ask a credit union or community bank about their consumer base, and it starts out like a snappy joke: A well-educated, retired woman walks into a financial institution. She’s somewhere between 55 and 70. [...]

Be careful about making assumptions

Be careful about making assumptions

To the people inside your credit union, everything feels familiar. They know the lingo. They’re used to the routines. They are in their comfort zone, and they like it. So, why is that a [...]

Seeing the value

Seeing the value

The time has come again—time to launch that new promotion. You’ve put on your best creative hat, scheduled the meetings, and now hope the brainstorming sessions yield some unique ideas. It could be [...]