NextGen Know-How: Facilitating A meaningful, conversational evaluation meeting (that you and the employee don’t dread!)

Taking time to prepare for a thoughtful performance review can set up the year for continued success, improvement and development.

In my last column, I shared best practices for writing an effective annual performance review. In this post, I will provide strategies for making the evaluation meeting more comfortable, conversational, and meaningful.

Most performance evaluation meetings are stressful and ineffective. According to Gallup, only 14% of employees strongly agree that their performance reviews inspire them to improve, and only two in 10 strongly agree that their performance is managed in a way that motivates them to do outstanding work.

Taking time to prepare for a thoughtful and meaningful conversation can set up the year for continued success, improvement and development. Even if an employee is underperforming, you can still facilitate a discussion that is clear and honest and encourages improvement. Follow these guidelines to facilitate a conversation that is much less stressful for you and your employee!

Prepare Each Employee

An important step in preparing for the conversation is to prepare the employee for the evaluation process. If your credit union uses self-evaluations, let each employee know that their self-evaluation is an important part of the performance management process and that you rely on them to take time to be reflective and honest. Encourage the employee to include specifics about accomplishments, lessons learned throughout the year, improvement areas, progress on goals and career development goals in the self-evaluation.


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