Nussle: CUNA continues push for ADA website clarity

CUNA remains engaged in combating predatory class action threats related to website accessibility requirements surrounding the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle wrote to members Monday. Credit unions have been hit with increasing lawsuit threats over uncertainty about ADA website requirements.

“CUNA has been working diligently to combat this predatory litigation,” Nussle wrote. “Since it continues to be a major problem for credit unions, it is a top advocacy priority for us, as we continue engagement with the Department of Justice (DOJ) and Congress.”

Nussle added that CUNA is also working closely with state leagues to identify legal advocacy opportunities, and will be meeting with Congressional counsel next week to discuss ways to stop these threats.

Nussle also cited a recent CUNA Removing Barriers Blog entry that details a recent DOJ decision to rescind two Advance Notices of Proposed Rulemakings regarding ADA.


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