Onsite: PSCU’s Music City 2016 Member Forum in Nashville

People. Purpose. Passion. #mforum16

The 2016 PSCU Member Forum is being held this week in Nashville, TN at the Country Music Hall of Fame Theater. Chuck Fagan, PSCU Pres/CEO, welcomed the crowd of more than 750 credit union executives to the event. Chuck spoke about blending the best of PSCU’s past to create the PSCU of the future. The focus of the event was people, purpose and passion and the blending of community and technology to partner with member credit unions moving forward.

The day started out with three general sessions that were all keynotes in their own right.

Marcus Buckingham, founder of The Marcus Buckingham Company, was first up with Find Your Edge: Win At Work. Marcus focused on how tricky it can be to harness excellence in organizations. Stating that as leaders we spend more time focusing on employee’s shortcomings then building on their strengths. We need to flip the script on this and spend more time building on people’s strengths and looking for marginal improvements in their weaknesses. Marcus gave tips and techniques to become better coaches and get the most out of an employee’s strength. He showed how to move past a one-size-fits-all approach to management.

Next up was the co-founder of Square, Jim McKelvey. He is a man of diverse interests. An inventor, entrepreneur, glass blower, author and licensed pilot. Jim spoke of noticing a need in the market that led to founding Square and the future of payments. Profound change is coming to the payments industry. Jim predicts this change will happen in 2017 with the introduction of indoor location technologies to the market. Jim feels purchase data is the largest treasure trove of information being unused. Everyone wants a piece of this data but no one owns it. A land grab is going on from an avalanche of super valuable data that is on it’s way.

Jenn Lim is the CEO and Chief Happiness Officer of Delivering Happiness, a company she founded with Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos. Jenn is also a consultant at Zappos where she works on their culture and co-created the Zappos book, Delivering Happiness. The focus of her presentation was that happier employees create happier members which make our credit unions sustainable businesses. Jenn asked the questions “What are you goals in life? Why?” Usually all answers come back to being happy.

Thursday’s line up includes NAFCU’s Dan Berger, speaker Jay Baer, and NFL Super Bowl winning coach and ESPN commentator Jon Gruden.

You can follow along with live updates on Twitter at the hashtage #mforum16.

Randall Smith

Randall Smith

Randall Smith is the co-founder of CUInsight.com, the host of The CUInsight Experience podcast, and a bit of a wanderlust. As one of the co-founders of CUInsight he looks ... Web: www.CUInsight.com Details