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3 Questions

3 Questions with Alacriti’s Mark Majeske

CUInsight's Robbie Young is joined by Mark Majeske, SVP Faster Payments at Alacriti for a quick interview with just 3 questions about remote payments…

Three questions:

  1. (0:29) You’ve been closely involved with instant payments and payments modernization efforts. How do you see instant payments integrating with both older systems like wire and newer payment methods?
  2. (1:15) The conversation around instant payments often centers on improving operational efficiency and gaining insights from payments. Can you share some specific examples of how credit unions can benefit from these insights, especially when viewing all payments in one place?
  3. (2:22) As credit unions explore the adoption of new payment rails, how does this influence their approach to evaluating and modernizing their overall payment solutions?

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