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A positive culture matters


When Sunday afternoon rolls around, are you excited, hesitant, or flat-out anxious when you think about your upcoming work week?

What if you and your co-workers were all ecstatic—like, jump out of bed and shout for joy excitement—to go back to work on Monday? You can’t wait to see your teammates and greet every member with a smile and a solution. What if you and your team were truly passionate about what you do and who you serve?

A strong and positive workplace culture reaps unlimited benefits. In the current competitive job market, we need to be equipped with every advantage possible. Communicating the benefits of a strong culture is just as important as taking the steps to create one. A strong culture will allow your credit union to:

Developing and growing a unique culture at your credit union takes time and dedication, but the benefits will strengthen every part of your interactions. Members will notice the smiles on the staff’s faces. You will have pride in your work and tell your friends and family about your rewarding career. Teamwork will thrive and your credit union core values will shine through.

So how do we get there? How can we have co-workers who are passionate about putting on their credit union logo gear every day? Here are a few tips to get started on creating that passion:

  • Communicateyour credit union’s mission and vision.
  • Outlinekey expectations of all staff and hold everyone—from the CEO to the door greeter—to the same standard.
  • Developgoals and specific ways to measure results. Include team and individual goals.
  • Reinforcepositive behaviors and correct negative behaviors.
  • Communicateopenly and create full transparency.
  • Celebratethe big and small wins.

Creating a positive workplace culture comes from every level of the organization. It can’t be commanded from the top nor can it only be suggested from those on the front line. For the culture to be effective, you need to listen to the voices across the company and build a strategy together. You’ll have more buy-in from staff as the culture develops and strengthens if you build the culture together.

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