
As a response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the international money transfer & payments industry finds a virtual home

The same team that has brought the IMTC Conferences is launching PNET, an online community for the industry to connect and encourage networking among professionals worldwide.

MIAMI, FL (April 27, 2020) — Today, The Platinum Network, in partnership with Mohr World Consulting, is launching PNET, a new online platform aiming to connect the international money transfers, remittances, and cross-border payments industry. PNET will be the space for professionals to find opportunities, to take online courses, explore document and data libraries, and meet industry experts.

Most firms in the industry have been hit by transaction volumes decreasing 15-20% in the best of cases, and even more, if they are dependent on foot traffic through branches and agents. At the same time, plans and partnerships have been put on hold. The industry’s face-to-face networking events, such as the IMTC Conferences, were postponed and moved to 2021, forcing businesses to turn their heads towards online. PNET is a safe-virtual space for the industry to meet, network, share knowledge, and build partnerships that surpass borders.

Becoming a member of PNET is free, as a way of thank you to all the loyal supporters that through their newsletter subscriptions, LinkedIn group affiliation, and the social media connections, followed IMTC. Inside the virtual community, PNET members will be able to connect with colleagues from all over the world, expand their knowledge with Online Courses, learn about leading topics and trends by participating in Virtual Roundtables, consult their doubts and ideas with top industry experts, get information on the Document and Data Library, and much more.

Hugo Cuevas-Mohr, PNET Director commented: “As Professor Jonathan Bate stated in reference to Shakespeare, ‘great crises have led people to the most extraordinary creativity’. I must give a round of applause to the PNET team that took this opportunity to work hard on a plan we had and made it a reality in a matter of weeks. Our virtual community has opened its doors, and I am sure this virtual platform will help in bringing the industry to come together as a community.”

As part of the launch, PNET will kick off the “The life after COVID-19” Series of Virtual Roundtables. On April 30 at 11:00 EST industry experts Leon Isaacs and Hugo Cuevas-Mohr, will discuss their views on the post-pandemic trends the international money transfer & payments industry will see after the COVID-19 restrictions are lifted, and life goes back to normal. Will clients’ behavior change? Will the increasing transaction volumes the sector was experiencing come back?

About Platinum Network (PNET)

The Platinum Network (PNET) is the online home of the International Money Transfers, Remittances & and Cross-Border Payments Community. It is a safe virtual space for the industry to meet, network, share knowledge, build partnerships that surpass borders, and empower institutions and professionals from all over the world. To learn more about PNET, please enter:


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Florencia Miller
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