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DCUC to host virtual and in-person winter updates

DCUC’s Defense Matters 2022 will take place in two parts: an informative webinar on February 24, and a networking brunch with special guest speakers on February 27. Both events will focus on providing a comprehensive update on issues important to credit unions that serve our service members and veterans.

“Last year’s virtual event was a great success, and we want to once again provide the opportunity for all of our members to get the important updates they need,” said Anthony Hernandez, DCUC’s President/CEO. “We also recognize the importance of meeting face-to-face and are happy to provide an opportunity for our members to gather before the GAC starts to get the latest updates and reaffirm our commitment to our servicemember and veteran communities.”

The Defense Matters Broadcast will feature important updates on the 117th Congress, the Biden Administration, ongoing DoD Issues, plus important legislative and regulatory updates. Hernandez will co-anchor the event with John McKechnie, Total Spectrum Senior Partner and DCUC regular. The event will feature a one-on-one discussion with NCUA Vice Chairman Kyle Hauptman, plus other special guest speakers. The event will be broadcast from Big Whig Studios in downtown Washington.

The Defense Matters Brunch is an important networking opportunity prior to the start of CUNA's GAC for credit unions serving our military communities. The morning event will feature two special guest speakers: Amy Walter (from the Cook Political Report) and LTC Roy Ross, USA, Ret. (from veteran-owned OMNICOMMANDER). These experts will provide attendees with vital updates on the political environment in Washington and cybersecurity, which are key topics in the for all credit unions and especially important when working with our service members.

The Defense Matters Broadcast will air Thursday, February 24 at 2:00 PM ET and the Defense Matters Brunch will be on Sunday, February 27 at 9:30 AM ET at the Marriott Marquis in Washington, DC. To register for both events, visit
