Gear up for the premier credit union event of the year: CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference set for Feb. 25 to March 1, 2018
WASHINGTON, DC (September 21, 2017) — More than 5,000 credit union professionals will gather in Washington, D.C., in 2018 for the foremost credit union event of the year: the 2018 CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference, set for February 25 – March 1.
As the largest credit union event in the industry, CUNA GAC unites thousands of credit union advocates in Washington to fight for credit union priorities, including regulatory relief, expanded credit union powers, the credit union tax status and data security.
“CUNA GAC is without a doubt the most important credit union advocacy event of the year,” said CUNA President and CEO Jim Nussle. “During that week, lawmakers know that the full credit union movement is in town; the energy and passion can be felt throughout the halls of Congress and across the city. As we stand on the verge of a number of major advocacy victories, if we can make this year the largest GAC ever, if we can demonstrate to Congress how active we are on the political process, together, we can improve credit union operating environments for years to come. I urge you to join us in Washington to continue our fight for common-sense regulation.”
“More than just a conference,” Nussle added, “GAC allows you to network with nationwide credit union luminaries, gain expertise in compliance and advocacy issues, and experience the largest vendor exhibit hall in the financial services industry.”
Ultimately, the heart of CUNA GAC are the Hill Hikes, which are organized by state Leagues to connect attendees with their lawmakers and federal regulators during the conference. Attendance allows credit union professionals to meet face-to-face with their members of Congress to tell their stories and compel them to support credit unions as they work to serve 110 million Americans.
“If you’re passionate about the credit union movement, if you want to see it continue to grow and thrive, you’ve got to be here,” Nussle said. “Join your credit union peers as we come together to advance the industry in which we all so strongly believe.”
About CUNA
Credit Union National Association (CUNA) is the only national association that advocates on behalf of all of America’s credit unions, which are owned by 135 million consumer members. CUNA, along with its network of affiliated state credit union leagues, delivers unwavering advocacy, continuous professional growth and operational confidence to protect the best interests of all credit unions. For more information about CUNA, visit To find your nearest credit union, visit