LSCU’s annual Southeast Credit Union Conference & Expo
TALLAHASSEE, FL (June 10, 2021) — The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates’(LSCU) annual Southeast Credit Union Conference and Expo (SCUCE) will be in-person this year! The LSCU & Affiliates premier event takes place June 16-18, 2021 at the Hilton Orlando Bonnet Creek in Orlando, Florida.
“After last year, we knew our affiliated credit unions, vendors and partners would support an in-person event, so we’re proud to be a leader in getting back to seeing each other in person. And with nearly 900 registered, that indicates we made the right call,” said LSCU CEO Patrick La Pine. “We’ve not let our guard down though. We know this is likely the largest in-person credit union event since the CUNA GAC in early 2020, so we have taken extra steps to make sure our attendees will be safe, including utilizing a health and safety consultant. This event has been two years in the making and we are looking forward to seeing everyone without a link to an online, virtual meeting.”
This year’s SCUCE will deliver dynamic keynote speakers, educational breakout sessions led by industry leaders, opportunities to hear from state and national regulators, networking opportunities, the Southeastern Credit Union Foundation golf tournament, the Around the World Dinner and Silent Auction and much more!
“Our keynote speakers are diverse and have mass appeal. Alison Levine is the first American Woman’s Everest Expedition Team Captain, a faculty member at West Point and a bestselling author. Tony Moore is a self-proclaimed ‘recovering HR executive’ and ‘Culture Architect’ and Sarah Thomas is NFL’s First Female Official and One of the Sports Illustrated 100 Most Influential NFL Figures of All Time,” explains Jared Ross, LSCU President. “We also have a solid line-up of breakout sessions facilitated by industry leaders and experts speaking on hot topics credit unions want to hear.”
SCUCE’s educational sessions range from cybersecurity, post-pandemic strategies, compliance topics to member engagement, as well as other topics like managing increased deposits, mobile technology, overcoming unconscious bias and strategies for payments, communications, CEOs and boards.
In past years, SCUCE offered one of the largest exposition halls among credit union conferences. While more than 110 vendors will attend the conference this year, due to COVID-19 protocols, LSCU had to increase spacing between vendors in the exhibit hall, which limited the number of booths. Vendors have also been given the opportunity to attend as “Walking Exhibitors” due to the limited space in the exhibit hall
About League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates (LSCU)
The League of Southeastern Credit Unions & Affiliates represents nearly 300 credit unions throughout Alabama, Florida, and Georgia. It has a combined total of almost $200 billion in assets and 12.4 million members. LSCU provides advocacy, compliance services, education and training, cooperative initiatives, and communications. For more information, visit Follow LSCU on Facebook, LinkedIn, and X.