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Young professionals once again crash 2020 CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference

Crashers from nearly every state join Filene to “crash” CUNA GAC

Emerging leaders in the credit union movement will once again “crash” the Credit Union National Association Governmental Affairs Conference (CUNA GAC) on February 23-27. Through Filene Research Institute’s Cooperative Trust “Crash” Program, over 50 young professional leaders will join thousands of credit union advocates for the year’s biggest credit union event.

“We are excited to introduce the next generation of leaders to this life-changing experience,” Filene’s Director for Community Development, Cortney Angeley, commented. “The Cooperative Trust and the Crash Program provides exceptional experiences to help emerging leaders develop their careers. Most importantly, the connections made at CUNA GAC are a catalyst to building a life-long network of passionate credit union advocates.”

Representing nearly every U.S. state, the 2020 class of Crashers includes young leaders with diverse roles at their credit unions. Crashers are selected though a highly competitive process, earning free attendance at CUNA GAC where they can network and learn from over 5,000 top credit union advocates.

“The Crashers bring so much energy and passion to CUNA GAC,” said CUNA President and CEO Jim Nussle. “I always look forward to meeting each new group, knowing that these folks are the people that will lead our movement in the future. I am so impressed with this year’s class and I am excited to see where this leadership opportunity takes them in their careers. CUNA is proud to join Filene and The Cooperative Trust to make this special program possible year after year.”

The Cooperative Trust is the credit union industry’s largest young professional community. The Crash Program is designed to empower credit union young professionals through professional development and by finding and amplifying their voices to advocate for the role of young people in the industry.

Crash the GAC is the largest Crash Filene organizes every year. It is a non-stop, career-changing program for young professionals that allows them to participate in the industry’s largest advocacy conference with complimentary registration, exclusive networking opportunities, leadership development tools, and mentoring sessions with industry leaders from organizations such as Filene Research Institute, National Credit Union Foundation, and CUNA.

Crash the GAC and other Crash events throughout the year are designed to spark new ways of thinking and build lasting relationships for emerging leaders within the credit union industry. Crashers will leave the nation’s capital with a new hunger to help strengthen their communities and organizations. For the full list of 2020 Crash events, visit

Crash the GAC is brought to you by the Cooperative Trust from Filene Research Institute and is made possible by the generous support of CUNA, and with help from League partners.