Seven must-haves for your next credit union marketing campaign

When people think of marketing campaigns, they often jump to the flashy advertisement at the very end of the process. In reality, putting together a successful promotion at your credit union can feel more like solving a Rubik’s Cube puzzle, with each step carefully calculated and in a precise order. One missing piece or wrong turn could cause dramatically different results.

If you recently wrapped up a campaign at your credit union that fell short of expectations, it’s a great idea to revisit your marketing campaign strategy to make sure you’re not missing crucial steps in the process. Here are seven must-haves for your next marketing campaign:

1. Staff buy-in and excitement.

Think of the last time you procrastinated on a project or didn’t give your best effort to an assignment. Was it because you didn’t feel empowered or armed with enough knowledge to perform the task? Make sure you aren’t putting your employees in a similar situation by keeping them in the dark about a campaign. Want to take it to the next level? Get them excited to talk to members about your marketing! Staff communication works best when you combine numbers and heart; in addition to communicating goals and the fine print, share with them the emotional benefits members will receive when they take advantage of the promotion. Storytelling is a powerful motivator, so share real-life member stories with them as part of the processor create your own!


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