Six signs of ageism in the workplace and how to deal with it

Discerning what’s discrimination against people of whatever age can be tricky.

You might imagine that the modern-day workplace has left discrimination in the past century because the new wave of employers, HR managers and employees have all been well-educated about the value of an inclusive work environment. And yet, age discrimination in the workplace is still alive and well.

What does ageism look like? A 28-year-old female CPA might be told that she is “too young” to be a controller. A job candidate in his 50s could hear that the company is looking for a recent college graduate “with a lot of energy and no bad habits,” while an employee in her 60s might be counseled out of attending an industry conference, ostensibly to allow her to “take it easy this month.” Although ageism can certainly cut both ways, most complaints and studies have focused on the experience of the 50-plus crowd.

According to AARP, 64% of workers have witnessed or experienced age discrimination. Even though there’s been plenty of research that overturns common stereotypes about older workers, the new ways of thinking haven’t been fully absorbed yet. And so, it’s important to be alert for signs of ageism and to know your options if you or someone in your family experiences age-related discrimination in the workplace.

What Is Ageism Anyway?

The best place to start is with some legal background.


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