Step Right Up! Test Your Twitter Password!

by. Ron Daly

Yesterday, the Twitter account of the Associated Press was hacked and a misleading tweet was posted, claiming that the White House and the President had been attacked. This, of course, was not true. But the damage was. Oh, yes it was. The stock market dipped ferociously, then self-corrected when it was determined that the claim was false. Twitter went crazy; first, with fear, then with ridicule of the AP, an organization that is assuredly licking its wounds as of this writing.

Now, let’s abstract this. What if it were your CU’s Twitter account? What if someone “hacked” that account (we’ll get to the term “hacked” in a minute), and sent a message to all your followers that told them your CU was going out of business, or that a branch had been robbed? Imagine the blow-back.

Luckily, there’s a website to test the security of your Twitter password. It’s called Try it out! Go on, I’ll wait. Come back when you’re done.

I’m betting you just saw one of these:

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