Talking at your team vs talking to your team

I think it’s safe to say none of us like sitting in meetings discussing things we may or may not be involved in while everyone and their monkey’s uncle has an opinion. Unfortunately, it’s the nature of the jungle that is corporate America, but fortunately, I work for a company that is very in tune with how meetings are the bane of most of our existences.

I myself ask our local business leaders and owners for meetings as well, however, recently I started refocusing the meeting to be more of an open dialogue, where responses are welcome and encouraged, and hearing their perspective allows you to see where they need encouragement or education.

I know, mind blowing right?

What I mean by this is that no one likes to be talked to, but they don’t mind talking with you. I sat down and came up with a simple process I have been testing, and it has shown to be not only productive but has been received well.


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