The HR leader as executive coach

CEOs appreciate ‘brutal honesty’ during executive coaching sessions.

From left: Andrea Brewer, Brandon Riechers, and Mike Valentine.

A panel of credit union CEOs weighed in on the value human resources (HR) leaders provide when they step into the role as executive coach during the 2019 CUNA Human Resources & Organizational Development Council Conference Tuesday in Anaheim, Calif.

Andrea Brewer, president/CEO at PremierOne Credit Union in San Jose, Calif.; Brandon Riechers, CEO of Royal Credit Union in Eau Claire, Wis.; and Mike Valentine, CEO of Baxter Credit Union in Vernon Hills, Ill.; shared their experiences using HR leaders as executive coaches.

The three CEOs stress the importance of confidentiality the HR leader provides in a coaching role. But they also note their familiarity with the credit union, its executives, how the organization works, and what individuals need.


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