Content marketing without a doubt has become a necessity for every credit union brand. It has emerged as the core of almost every digital marketing effort, be it directed at desktop or mobile users. Behind every credit union brand should be a wealth of valuable and highly relevant content that really connects with the credit union audience.
If you were to ask 10 content creators to define their field, you might receive 10 different definitions. However, they would all point back to the same core concept. Content marketing is beyond a simple marketing strategy. It is a member engagement strategy that revolves around the development, publication, and distribution of content to a defined target audience.
While content is used to support short term business goals, it is best used when considering long term objectives of your credit union brand.
Aside from the obvious gains in SEO, look at all the fundamental benefits content marketing provides:
It attracts traffic online and offline.
It builds your reputation.
It stimulates trust and faith in your credit union brand.
It can influence dialog between members, prospective members and your staff.
It can make you monetize your digital channels.
Your evergreen content lasts forever, supporting your digital footprint.
Content might evolve, but it will never be unnecessary. Today, I see the following types of Content Marketing:
Social media posts
Newsletters (printed and digital)
Case Studies (have you shown your impact to member households?)
FAQs and Q&As
Articles in media
Surveys and polls