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The Two Bones of a Credit Union

by Bo Mc Donald

I mean no disrespect in this blog post. In fact, I write this because I see it as an issue that credit union executives and I struggle with at times. It seems that, especially during times of controversy, I have more of a wishbone than a backbone.

So often I find myself asking ‘why can’t I accomplish this?’

When I asked my mentor about this several months ago in regard to a certain project, he answered my question with a question: “What are you doing to accomplish your goal?” I sat in silence. I had no answer. My goal was more of a wish. I knew what I wanted to accomplish, but I had no clear steps to reach my goal.

I see credit union executives deal with similar objectives. Whether you’re a credit union CEO, COO, marketer or FSR you probably have goals that you have set or that have been set for you.

Again the question: “Why can’t I just do this…?” You can. Unless you replace your wishbone with a backbone you’ll find yourself asking the same questions, encountering the same problems, and diving deeper into a frustrating state of despair. Sometimes taking that first step is difficult because it requires us to move outside of our comfort zone and do something different. Often times we dream so big that we worry what might happen if we achieve success.

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Randall Smith