Top 3 reasons why a mobile friendly website is an absolute must!

To some people mobile friendly functionalities may not seem like a top priority when you’re creating a website, after all, websites are mostly viewed on desktops, right? Well, let me put it like this… would you mind if you were watching TV and half of the screen was cut off? I think yes.

Mobile friendly website functionalities are important for many other reasons aside from a pleasurable user/viewer experience. Here are the top 3 reasons why mobile friendly websites are an essential part of any strategy to Grow Your Financial Institution:

#1. Google Prioritizes Mobile Friendly Websites 

Back in 2015, Google made an announcement that they would be implementing a new change called mobile-first index.

What does this mean? Basically, when making a Google search from a mobile device, Google ranks and displays the results in order of how mobile-friendly the websites are. So, sites with better mobile optimization will rank higher than sites that don’t.


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