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Top Credit Union Applications Overlooked in Recovery Efforts

byRobin Remines

Top Applications Overlooked in Recovery Efforts – Not so “critical”? – Think again!

So you’ve completed your Business Impact Analysis (BIA) and it looks pretty darn good. During a crisis you will focus on recovering critical systems and applications such as ACH processing and core applications. Pretty straightforward for a typical disaster, right? Wrong!From our experience working with hundreds of credit unions we’ve learned that no disaster is typical and although the obvious “critical” systems will remain prioritized, what about those that we’ve seen overlooked?Let’s look at the less obvious systems/services that can extend downtime, damage reputations and even endanger staff.

Offline Trial Balance

Providing a way to identify and service members in an offline mode continues to remain critically important during a crisis. By providing an offline trial balance solution (even a hard copy) to your front line staff, members can be serviced when the core is not available.

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Randall Smith