Treat Your Best Like the Best

by Mark Arnold

Some of your employees are the best. Some are not. But do you treat them all the same? You should actually treat your best employees like the best. Pamper them a bit. Give them special training. Reward and highlight their greatness. Stars deserve star treatment.

One financial institution that recently treated their best like the best was Heart of Louisiana Credit Union. They identified their top four salespersons and gave them advanced sales training. But they didn’t just give them specialized training—they gave them an experience.

“We wanted to make it a reward training—not just the same training done in our conference room,” said Cindy Beauregard, CEO of Heart of Louisiana Credit Union. “We wanted to recognize the best of the best.”

So in addition to the elite sales training itself, here is what the credit union did (as a surprise) for their top salespersons:

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