Want a cheat sheet for your NCUA IT exam?

It’s Monday and  you open your email to see that your credit union’s annual NCUA IT Exam is scheduled for  some time in the first quarter. You don’t have the dates yet but almost certainly you  start to dig through the mounds of compliance related information you’ve compiled to start preparing. Maybe you send out emails to  your peers or hit the tech boards/blogs to see if you can get a “heads up” on any key topics that NCUA may be focused on this year. And where is that report from the last exam?

Prepping for an NCUA IT Exam can be quite stressful – but it doesn’t have to be. You see, you can have access to the set of questions the examiner will be reviewing LONG before the audit date. NCUA Examiners use an Automated Integrated Regulatory Examination System (AIRES) to complete examinations covering the whole spectrum of credit union operations. The AIRES IT Questionnaire is specific to the information technology, audit and member services. It literally is  your cheat sheet to passing an NCUA exam.

The AIRES IT exam covers questions regarding the strategic oversight and operational controls for:

  • Member Information Security (Part 748)
  • Anti-Virus & Malware
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