More ways to save on groceries

Budget and stick to it

Filet mignon is delicious but buying too many pricy items could break the bank. There’s nothing wrong with buying what you want, but you have to make it work within a budget that’s comfortable to you. Have the filet one night, and a simple salad the next to enjoy luxuries and a healthy relationship with your money.

Shop sales wisely

Stocking up on items is a great plan. However, stocking up on items you won’t or can’t use is a waste of money. Also, even if the sale is fabulous, it’s not to your advantage if buying that item now means you break your budget. 15 cans of creamed spinach for $2 is only a steal if you’ll actually eat it.

Switch to store brands

The quality of store brands varies, but if you’re able to find a product that works for your family for less, you’ll save on every trip to the store. This simple trick will leave more room in your budget for splurges.

Digital coupons

Many stores now offer savings apps or text coupons. Use them to save on your bill, but use with some caution. Sign up only for those you can regularly use or you’ll be swamped!

Store discount cards

Discount cards mean savings on everything you buy. My family has used Target’s Redcard for years. We’ve saved 5% on every purchase we’ve made there on everything from grills to electronics to toilet paper. I especially like these savings on cleaning and paper products: items that are quickly used then disposed of.

Never shop hungry

We’ve all done it and we’ve seen the consequences to our wallet (and sometimes our waistlines). Even sardines and kale look good when you’re hungry. So instead, eat a snack before you walk down the snack aisle and buy what your brain wants, not your belly!