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What Are The Goals When Conducting A Business Impact Analysis (BIA) For A Credit Union?

by Kirk Drake

If you are responsible for conducting or reviewing a Business Impact Analysis or BIA, and you want to identify the key goals then this post is for you.

Before you go and conduct your BIA,it is essential to define your goals so you will know if you were successful. The BIA is an essential part of any Business Continuity or Disaster Recovery Plan.It is also the first and one of the most important steps.

ABIA is designed to analyze and predict the consequence ofdisrupting a business process and provide critical information required to provide recovery strategies.

Business Process

In our experience, most credit unions have between 75 and 150 distinct business processes. This is quite different than a normal business where we see between 15 and 20. Credit Unions are much more complex than most small businesses and rely on a large number of IT systems and third-party suppliers to deliver their services. Some examples of business processes we regularly see at credit unions are:

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Randall Smith