What does “sustainable business” mean to credit unions?

Doing the right thing is a business model that combines profit, passion, and the pursuit of happiness.

The word “sustainable” generates different images for different people. For some, it’s the responsible use of natural resources. For others, it’s using green building materials or perhaps employing responsible agriculture.

According to the Oxford Dictionary, sustainability is the ability to maintain at a certain rate or level. What does that mean for credit unions? Can credit union professionals employ a sustainable mindset to work smarter and drive better outcomes for all stakeholders?

For businesses, sustainable strategy requires organizations to be purpose-driven, values-based, and cooperative. The credit union movement leverages all three of these; however, this doesn’t mean every credit union is automatically fully leveraging sustainable business practices today. It doesmean credit unions are on the right road, and perhaps, with an enhanced roadmap, can reach an even better destination tomorrow.


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