What to do when you’re being overlooked

You’re a smart person and you do good work. So how come you’re not being noticed? Your boss isn’t recognizing the good work you do and your co-workers don’t appreciate you. Here are three steps you can take if you’re feeling unappreciated…

Do some research: Sometimes we’re the cause of our own problems. Before you blame someone else, take a hard look at yourself. Have you done something to alienate yourself at work? Maybe you have and you don’t even realize it. Sometimes you’ll be more appreciated by becoming the best co-worker and employee that you can be. Think about it and give it a shot.

Stop worrying about it: You may feel like you’re doing exceptional work, and though you may be, it won’t always be rewarded with a the recognition you desire. If you know you’re doing great work, keep it up and it will eventually lead to bigger and better things. You can’t be overlooked forever.

It might be time to “peace out”: If you can’t figure out why you’re being unappreciated, maybe the job just isn’t the best fit for you. If this is the case, don’t be afraid to walk away. Most of us have had a handful of jobs in our life, and it usually takes time to find the perfect fit.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details