I’m the one that lets others take the credit.
I’m the one that when blame is passed around, I bear the brunt of it.
I’m responsible for my ship and I accept that responsibility gladly and humbly.
I’m the one that navigates the ship, straight and true.
I’m the one that changes course to avoid swells and rough seas.
I listen more than I speak.
I learn more than I teach.
I’m available when needed but also need “me” time to finish my tasks.
I’m the one that tells everyone what a great job you’re doing.
I’m the one that is honest with you when you need to improve.
I don’t point fingers. I take action.
I don’t hide. I’m right in front of you.
I expect you to do what you think is right.
I will correct you if you could have done it better. But I will not fire you for doing what you thought was right at the time.
I will delegate certain duties to you and will expect you to accept them with appreciation. After all, I gave you these duties because I trust you.
I won’t be here forever.
I am always training my replacement.
I have your back.
To get to you, people will have to go through me first.
I will not always tell you everything. Some things are “need to know.”
I will tell you everything that you do need to know.
I expect you to challenge me, respectfully and honestly. I welcome different opinions.
I do not want you to “walk on eggshells” around me. I’m not that fragile. Neither are you.
I will hold you accountable.
I will implement new procedures. I will give you time to adjust.
I expect you to adjust.
I am your first phone call.
I do not expect you to hide anything from me – ever.
I will defend you if you are worth defending.
I will never hold you back.
I want you to succeed.
Who am I?
I am your LEADER.
Are you ready to get ABSURD!
ABSURD! Leadership – Where ABSURD! Is A Good Thing!