Why culture is critical to your success

No one wants to work in a bad office environment. As the leader of your organization, you set the tone and expectations for other managers and employees to follow. And even if you feel confident in the relationships you have with direct reports, it’s important to make sure that trickles all the way down.

Leadership guru John Spence argues that culture is often “the biggest area for dramatic improvement, or failure.” It can also have a significant impact on your bottom line – if employees aren’t happy, they likely aren’t sharing good vibes with customers or working to their full potential.

Here are three areas Spence says are sought after in a company’s culture:

  1. Safety. As leaders, we should establish a company culture that prioritizes employees’ ability to work independently and share opinions openly, and doesn’t look down on those who ask for help. This also means allowing freedom to try new approaches to solve problems – and even make mistakes – without fear of being fired for taking a risk.


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