Why is most outsourced marketing a waste of money?

Being on-site with our clients is important. In fact, it’s so important that we visit each of our clients at least once a year—on our dime. (That’s in addition to the initial visit we make at the beginning of the relationship.) Why would we do such a thing? Because we believe it’s that important.

On a recent client visit, our Senior Relationship Development Leader, Meg Robertson overheard a statement that reminded us exactly how beneficial these on-site visits are for strengthening our client relationships and ensuring each credit union’s success. “I didn’t even know the other branch has a place for those posters.” This comment came from a credit union team member who routinely distributes print marketing collateral to the credit union’s two branches. Interestingly, those who did know that there was a place for those posters weren’t following up to make sure the materials were printed and posted.

This exchange may seem like a simple lack of communication, but it’s much more than that. Had that miscommunication not been caught so quickly, the credit union team would have continued wasting time and money by creating promotional pieces they would never have used! And had we not been on site, we never would have been able to identify and analyze that issue, let alone help create a plan to ensure that branch materials are distributed properly from now on.

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