Would your marketing campaign make this promise?

by. Joe Swatek

“…we’ll never ask for another donation again.”

Quite a bold statement. Of course, your bank or credit union campaigns aren’t aimed at gathering donations, but would you promise prospects you’ll never mail to them again…if they open a new account now?

Because that’s the second half of the mailer’s promise…if you donate now.

This fundraising offer comes from the Paralyzed Veterans of America organization. Let’s look at some of the marketing techniques found in their January fund drive mail package and see what ideas you might adapt to your own financial institution’s campaigns.

First, let’s cover the promise. The quote at the top, with its added requirement, is found in both the abbreviated letter/response device and the envelope teaser.

Here’s the outer envelope where the promise is highlighted.

PVA envelope

That unusual statement should make many people curious enough to open the envelope.

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