3 financial resolutions for 2021

Everybody loves New Year’s Eve. It’s a chance to kiss the year goodbye and get a fresh start. If you enjoy making New Year’s resolutions, you’ve probably promised yourself a variety of things, ranging from losing weight to dropping bad habits. But how often have you set financial resolutions? If you’ve never gone down that road, 2021 is the time. Here are three financial resolutions for all of us in 2021…

Good habits only: You know better than anyone the bad habits that you’re guilty of when it comes to your finances. Maybe you’re spending way too much cash on take-out or delivery, or just continuing to subscribe to that streaming service that you haven’t used in 6 months. Whatever the case, toss those habits to curb and concentrate on good ones like budgeting and saving.

Set goals: It will be hard for you to reach any financial milestones if you don’t plan ahead. You won’t be able to get out of that apartment and into a home of your own if you don’t start saving for a down payment ahead of time. You’ll also never pay off those student loans if you don’t start paying more than the minimum each month (I mean, you will but it’s going to take FOREVER, trust me). Make 2021 the year you set goals and start moving down the path to reaching them.

Get help: No I’m not talking about Thor and Loki’s favorite improv sketch, I mean actually find whatever people or tools can help you stay on track with your goals and good habits. Whether you need a financial advisor or just need to download a budgeting app, the right help can keep you on the right track with your finances in 2021.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details