3 good workplace distractions

Every office is different. Some are super relaxed and some are very intense. In every office, there are distractions. But that’s not always a bad thing. Here are three distractions that may be more helpful than harmful…

Smartphones: At one point, cell phones were really frowned upon in the workplace. But these days, with access to mobile apps, your employees are actually more connected to their job when they have their phone in their hand. If an employee leaves their desk for a few minutes, they can still stay connected to their email inbox. If you send a message to a colleague through a collaborative app like Slack, they can stay within reach even if they’re away on a coffee run.

Water cooler talk: You don’t want your employees spending half their day engaged in gossip, but a casual conversation at the water cooler or around the coffee machine can help your team engage each other and build stronger workplace relationships. And stronger work relationships can lead to better collaboration and cooperation.

Dogs and table tennis: Not all offices are pet friendly, and not all offices have space for a ping-pong table. But your office can definitely find something that will bring your employees joy and togetherness. A happy workplace is a stress-free workplace and that’s great for morale and productivity.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details