3 ways to grow every day

Students love this time of year because school’s out for summer. For us grownups, school’s out forever. But just because you’re not running late for class anymore, doesn’t mean you can’t learn something new every day. Here are three ways you can keep learning even though you’re no longer in school…

Less TV more books: Maybe you wanna learn how to change the spark plugs in your ’87 TransAm or maybe you just want to check out the newest YA series that everyone is talking about. It really doesn’t matter what it is, just keep reading. You’re giving your brain a workout and you’re teaching yourself something along the way.

Use smarter apps: If you’re like me, when you have to kill a minute at a red light or you’re stuck waiting on four new tires, you’re probably looking at Instagram, Facebook, or ESPN. Instead of making those your go-to apps, why not check out something like Duolingo or LinkedIn Learning. These apps can teach you all kinds of things you don’t know, including a new language! Put those social media apps in a folder and make them harder to access when you’ve got a few minutes to kill.

Network better: When you’re having discussions with others, you’re always learning. Whether someone has a like-minded viewpoint or not, they probably have something to say that has value to you. So take advantage of networking opportunities when they come around.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details