3 ways to hire the wrong person
When you’re interviewing job candidates, it might be you’re having to replace a good employee. Isn’t that worst? But maybe you’re just growing and need more help. That’s the best. If you’re worried about hiring the wrong person, here are some ways you might accidentally do that…
Hire the quiet person: There’s nothing wrong with being less talkative, but when you’re trying to make a first impression, it’s a good idea to have something to say. You want to find a candidate who’s doesn’t just look good on paper, but sounds good in person. Anyone who’s really passionate about a job will have questions to ask and things to say. So if you’re looking to hire the wrong person, maybe hire the quiet one and you can find out more later.
Hire the fake person: It’s usually easy to tell if someone is putting on a show. The candidate who says exactly what they think you want to hear is more than likely not the right person for the job. You can pretty much tell when they’ve googled “interview questions” and “great interview answers”. Look for someone who seems genuine if you want a good hire. If you’re excited about hiring the absolute wrong person, hire the fake one and don’t worry about it.
Hire the awesome person: Everyone has made some mistakes during their career journey. Most people can learn a lot of valuable lessons from making them, so if you want a good hire, look for someone who can be honest about those things. If the desire of your heart is to hire the wrong person, then you should definitely hire the person who won’t stop talking about how awesome they are.