4 steps to getting a raise

Research your value

Your value is your weapon in fighting for a raise. Do research by looking at salaries for comparable jobs in your field. If your job performance is top notch, show evidence of that and provide reasoning for why you’re among the best at what you do.

Ask at the right time

Finding the right time to ask for a raise is essential. It’s always a good idea to find a time when your value is high and your superiors know it. Completing a big project or getting new responsibilities are evidence of your worth. Avoid high stress times, like when end of the year reviews are taking place.

Practice negotiating

You may think going over a few things in your head is enough, but it’s always a good idea to practice out loud and practice on someone who (like your boss) will probably debate you. This will help you see where your argument is weak, so you can improve your pitch and go in strong.

Be positive

Start off by talking about how much you enjoy working with your company and the work that you’re doing every day. If your employer knows you like where you’re at, they may be more likely to invest in you.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details