4 things you need to succeed

Success may come easy to some, but to others it might as well be the Eighth Wonder of the World. It takes hard work, determination (perhaps a little luck), and the right support around you. Here are four things you need to succeed…

Someone to mentor you: Working with someone who has a lot of experience is a great way for you to learn how to follow a path for your career. A good mentor has had a career full of good decisions and some bad ones and has learned from both. A mentor who cares is a great advantage to achieving success.

People to support you: On occasion, you’ll need to celebrate success and sometimes you’ll need support when you’ve failed. You won’t be able to do either one of those things if you don’t have people you care about in your corner. And even if you could, what fun would that be?

Something to inspire you: It wouldn’t be easy to succeed without motivation, and it’s probably almost impossible to have motivation if you don’t have a purpose. Making a difference in members’ lives is a great motivating factor in achieving personal success. Your members come to you for different reasons, and they’ve selected your credit union to help them overcome their problems. The service you give your members can be a great inspiration for success if you wake up every morning remembering exactly why you do what you do.

Coffee: That’s it. That’s #4.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details