4 things you should stop paying for

If you’re paying for cable, bottled water, and drive-thru meals, you know you could be saving a lot of money. But what other ways are you wasting your hard-earned cash? Here are four other things you should stop paying for now…

Name brands: Personally, I would never tell you to cut out all name brands. Sometimes name brands are just better. The key here is to find the products that won’t feel like a downgrade if you switch to generics. I’ll give you one that has worked well for me: Contact solution. I have noticed absolutely NO difference between name brand solutions and generics. Start there and see for yourself.

Paper products: I hate having a sink full of dirty dishes, but having to wash a couple of plates every day sure is cheaper than paying for disposable products. You’ll probably save a bundle if you cut out paper towels as well.

Stuff you want: You have to spend money on the things you need. You don’t really have to spend money on anything you just want. While it’s fun to have the things we want, think about other productive ways you could use that money before you spend it on something you don’t really need.

Anything at full price: A lot of retailers price match these days. And last time I checked, grocery stores still take coupons. Whenever you buy something, find a way to get it cheaper. There really is no sense in paying full price in 2019. With a little effort, you can usually find a way to get “it” cheaper. And it doesn’t really matter what “it” is.


John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details