4 ways to earn respect from your team

If you’re seeing signs that your team disrespects you, maybe you’re doing something wrong. Don’t have a clue what you’re not doing well? Here are a few ideas you can explore.

Be a better all-around communicator

Once again, if you’ve been reading what I write for some time now, you know how much I care about communication. Are you listening to your team? Really listening? Are you getting feedback on what’s working well and what’s not working? Try to engage your team more often so you can stay informed and have a good feel for the room.

Have a clear vision

There’s nothing worse than taking a road trip and being stuck following someone who has no idea where they’re going. Make sure this isn’t how you’re leading your team. Establish clear goals and make sure your overall vision is communicated clearly.

Trust your squad

You assembled your team much like how Nick Fury assembled The Avengers. While your team may not be tasked with saving the world, they are awesome and you need to put your trust in them. Don’t micromanage, but give them room to accomplish team goals by doing things their own way. If you’ll give them some room, it can spark a lot of creativity and innovation, and they’ll respect you for that.

Don’t be afraid to have fun

You’re the boss, but you’re also a person, so don’t be afraid to loosen up every once in a while. A good laugh can help alleviate stress and your team will appreciate you for bringing some levity into high-pressure situations.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details