4 ways to hold people’s attention

No matter if you’re speaking to one person or a large group, how can you be sure that you have your audience’s attention? Here are four ways you can make sure that your audience stays with you…

Loosen up: If you’re stiff and nervous, you’re not going to hold anyone’s attention. It doesn’t matter if you’re speaking to 3 people or to 300 people, if you want to be heard, you need to relax before you begin.

Don’t get lost: If you’re a person who likes to talk a lot, you may find yourself droning on and on and may eventually get lost in your own words. This should not be normal. If YOU are lost, then you’ve definitely lost your audience.

Be succinct: Say what you have to say, and be done. Only use the words that are needed to convey your message, and speak slowly and clearly. If you talk too fast, your audience will miss words and/or phrases and they won’t be able to catch up with you. If you keep it concise, you’ll keep the attention on you.

Enjoy yourself: If you’re speaking about something that you’re passionate about, show that you’re interested in the words you’re saying. If you’re loving it, your audience just might be too.

John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor for CUInsight.com. Web: www.cuinsight.com Details