The latest from Harry Stephens

- by Harry Stephens, DATAMATX

Disaster recovery – a 4 letter word spelled PLAN

Every organization needs to have a plan in place for protection from serious incidents that can hinder normal business activities. A comprehensive recovery plan ensures continuity of business operations during ...

- by Harry Stephens, DATAMATX

Data risks and protection

The recent Target data breach has certainly heightened the concerns about the safety of customer information. Data breaches (whether accidental or intentional) can be very costly in terms of damage ...

- by Harry Stephens, DATAMATX

2014 Trends and predictions

As we move into 2014, there is one thing any one of us can predict for certain: Things will not slow down. We live in the age of speed.  The ...

- by Harry Stephens, DATAMATX

Rising postal costs push the need for change

I would imagine most everyone reading this remembers where they were the night before we ushered in the year 2000. The world braced for chaos as midnight approached, waiting for ...