The latest from Jeff Rendel

- by Jeff Rendel, Rising Above Enterprises

Great leaders ask great questions

As leaders – supervisory, managerial, and executive – we are tasked with delivering results. The outcomes we are responsible for depend upon the solutions we help others create. As quickly as operations ...

- by Jeff Rendel, Rising Above Enterprises

How to hold a great virtual meeting

Face-to-face, in-person meetings carry a lot of value – teamwork, networking, and catching up – but, sometimes, virtual meetings are timelier and more convenient, if not downright necessary. Like a live meeting, ...

- by Jeff Rendel, Rising Above Enterprises

Sales, service, or success?

“We need to establish a sales culture…We don’t sell, we educate…Our outstanding service will lead to sales.” All are common phrases expressed through credit unions describing the ...

- by Jeff Rendel, Rising Above Enterprises

PFI, where art thou?

During a recent discussion, nearly 50 credit union CEOs deliberated that consumers may not seek a primary financial institution (PFI) for all financial services needs. That prompted further discussion on ...