The latest from Patrick Henry

- by Patrick Henry

Do you pass The Boat Test?

At our company, we have a philosophy called “The Boat Test”. We don’t do business with people with whom we wouldn’t want to spend a day on a ...

- by Patrick Henry

Never let them see you … bleed

I recently produced an event for a conference where I brought in some of the best speakers, humorists, and entertainers that I know. It was a variety show format to ...

- by Patrick Henry

Mission over merchandise

As I’ve written about before, in 2020 I left the bright lights of show business and my legions of adoring fans to follow my dreams into chemical manufacturing. Ok, ...

- by Patrick Henry

Are your members afraid?

People buy for two reasons: Desire for gain or fear of loss. Far too often, companies operate in the “desire for gain” category. They list all the product benefits hoping ...

- by Patrick Henry

Close “the book” on incivility

Do you remember when Facebook was about sharing pictures of kids, vacations, and favorite meals at Olive Garden? As annoying as it was to be dragged into the gastronomical adventures ...

- by Patrick Henry

It’s easy to leave a credit union

As I write this article, it occurs to me that I may have written about this incident before. Since there are a number of lessons to draw from life experiences, ...

- by Patrick Henry

Sweep the parking lot

When I think back to my college classes, a cold chill descends my spine when I remember accounting. I am not left brained nor have I ever been accused of ...