From zeros to credit union heroes
All employees aren’t created equal. Some are fantastic and some leave a lot to be desired. So how do you turn the latter into the former? Here are three tips for turning today’s zeros into tomorrow’s heroes…
Make sure they know you want them to succeed: Ever heard of the “looking-glass self”? Some people see themselves as the version of themselves that they think others see. So if they think you think they’re less than great, they’ll see themselves in that way. If you want an employee to improve, make sure you’re encouraging and motivating anytime you’re talking to any of your employees.
Stay aware: Keep a pulse on things. Don’t lose touch of what’s going on. Be ready to help when you feel it’s needed. Remember, you can keep an eye on things without being a micromanager or smothering your team’s creativity.
Know the limit: You never want to fire anyone (especially if they’re really trying…) but you have to know when enough is enough. It’s never fun to let someone go, but it may be necessary. Sometimes the only way to improve your team is to trim the fat.