Credit union marketing lessons from man’s best friend

Six months ago, we got a dog. My 11 year old had been begging for one. We made him do research about dogs, attend an animal camp at the local Humane Society, and promise to take care of the dog.

I’m a cat person, so I was kind of “against” the dog. But the 11 year old did everything we asked, and has really stepped up to care for her. And Ali adores him.

After six months, I’ve come to learn some life lessons from Ali…lessons we can use in our credit unions.

She’s always happy to see you.

It doesn’t matter if we’ve been gone for five minutes or five hours, she is excited to see us.

Are your front line staff happy to see your members? Do they greet them like a friend? Be genuinely glad to talk with your members and listen to them. A little cheerfulness can go a long way.

There’s always something new.

Ali takes walks daily and we usually take the same routes. It’s nothing she hasn’t seen or smelled before. Yet, she is always anxious to get outside to see if there is anything new.

Get into your community and see if there is anything new. Partner with a new organization. Try something different with a “same old” project, even if it’s just changing a color! Sometimes simple changes can have the biggest impact.

Be a step ahead.

Our dog has become my running partner. And by running, I mean she pulls me (all 18 pounds of her). She has limitless energy and is always a step ahead, no matter how tired she is.

Is your competition one step ahead of you? They can offer a healthy challenge for you, and drive you to keep you on your toes. Do you keep track of what they are doing? Or maybe you’re the one ahead of the game?

Take a break.

If there’s a patch of sunlight, she’s in it. And she’s not moving. It’s her way of relaxing and recharging.

Disconnect. It’s hard in this 24/7 “always on” society, but it’s important to rest, relax and enjoy the sunshine. Even if it’s for only 10 minutes.

Susan Dyer

Susan Dyer

Susan is the Communications Director for the Heartland Credit Union Association, the trade association for credit unions in Kansas and Missouri. She has been a part of the marketing and ... Web: Details