
First Capital Employees Bring Christmas to a Family in Need

York, PA – Employees of First Capital Federal Credit Union have kept up their annual tradition and adopted a family from the Bell Family Shelter, a 30-day emergency shelter serving homeless families in York County.

“It’s really a wonderful reflection on our employees that we are able to adopt a family again this year,” says Michele Wherley, Human Resources/Training Manager.  “We are living our mission statement of putting the financial wellbeing of our members and dedication to our community FIRST.”

On Wednesday, December 19, 2012, Eric and his daughter Paige, stopped by First Capital to express their appreciation and to accept the presents for their family.

First Capital Federal Credit Union is a $140 million asset-size, credit union with nearly 19,000 members based in York, PA.  Founded in 1954 as S. Morgan Smith Credit Union, First Capital has merged and grown, and continues to work closely with about 400 companies and organizations throughout York County and across the country.

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